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Yang Zhang - Product design / Interaction design

​张洋 - 产品设计/交互设计


I am a genuine, responsible and patient person, and I am keen on inspiring people’s perspective of quality life. I have formed the ability of fast adaptation during my study period and internship, whether it is an independent work or in teamwork.


During my undergraduate study, I majored in product design and learned how to solve actual needs; during my master period, I majored in interaction design, which made me think about the human-centred design experimentally and speculatively. Both of the two periods have made me keep my feet on the ground as well as forward-looking and being critical.


Besides, when I was in the internship, I was deeply impressed by the energy consumption, personnel assignment, and follow-up issues behind the ‘birth’ of a product. As my major puts extra emphasis on sustainable development, I have a yearning for beautiful design–to take the concept of sustainable development as one of the standards to pursue high quality, respecting the users as well as the broader environment.

我是一个虚心、负责、有耐心的人,对提升人们生活品质抱有极大热诚。无论是独立工作还是团队合作, 我在求学和实习阶段已经养成了快速适应的能力。







Education | 教育背景

2017 - 2018

UAL London College of Communication - MA - Interaction Design Communication

伦敦艺术大学传媒学院 - 研究生 - 交互设计 ​​

2014 - 2017

UAL Central Satint Martins - BA - Product Design

伦敦艺术大学中央圣马丁学院​ - 本科 - 产品设计​

2013 - 2014

Cambridge CSVPA - Foundation - Art and Design

剑桥艺术学院- 预科 - 艺术设计

2011 - 2013

Seaford College, Petworth - A level - 3D Design, Fine Art, Maths, Physics

西萨塞克斯郡希弗德学院 - 高中 - 3D设计 纯艺术 数学 物理

Work experience | 工作经历

2014 - 2016

Car fragrance brand - AUTODOC CO., LTD. Dongguan, China. - Student intern

东莞市车博士汽车用品有限公司 - 假期实习生


SAKURA AROMAS., LTD. Dongguan, China. - Student intern

东莞市樱花香料有限公司 - 假期实习生


Summer part-time at ARTINI jewellery store. Guangzhou, China. -Shop assistant

广州雅天妮ARTINI珠宝太古汇店 - 短期实习店员

Exhibitions | 参展活动

2018 Jul​y

Sonar +D -Creativity, Technology and Business Marketlab, Barcelona, Spain

巴塞罗那Sonar+D会议的创新、技术与商业实验室,展出作品 “Kitchen 2028”

Group | 团队项目

2018 Jan

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK - Friday Late event - Group Project: Liar Liar

V&A伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的 “Friday Late” 活动,小组合作项目

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