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Energy Harvest Project | 能量采集项目

2018 January

If we were the electricity generator



  My topic is about energy consumption and measurement and unfolded around the electricity. The electricity supports the birth and occurrence of all other systems. Everything in modern life is intimately bound up with the electricity. However, our understanding and consumption of the electricity only depend on the figure in the monthly-sent bill. As resource consumption and pecuniary exchange are connected, the electricity as an invisible system is easy to be ignored by the people. Therefore, I intend to visualise, beautify and re-involved in it.


From the perspective of project practice, when the generation and storage of electric resources are not in their original definition, and no standard for the measurement of resources, a brand new approach should be taken. While human instinct movements can generate energy, it will be a green way to obtain free energy, without considering the carbon footprint. We transform the role from the energy consumers to producers with a free-load approach.


* Princeton University engineers have come up with a rubber film that harvests kinetic energy. However, it's not just another piezoelectric film. The team has been able to combine silicone and nanoribbons of lead zirconate titanate (PZT). PZT is the most efficient of kinetic-energy harvesting materials, converting as much as 80% of mechanical energy into electrical energy.


Pieces of equipment in my experiment:Piezo disc, breadboard, diode, resistor, capacitor, LED bulb, jumping wire, switch, voltmeter. 



Energy Harvest

Energy Harvest



我的主题是关于能源消耗与测量,围绕着电力展开。电力支撑了一切其他系统的诞生与发生,现代生活一切都与电力息息相关。但我们对电力的了解或者用量,仅凭每个月寄来账单的数字上,当资源消耗与金钱交易画上了等号的时候,电力作为invisible system很容易被人忽视,因此我想去可视化它,美化它,重新介入它。


我的设计方法有三大关键词可以概括,由始至终提醒自己要保持“Scientific” “innovative” 和 “speculative”


Innovative: 不仅从先锋设计那里获得灵感,也参考了相关的社会问题,经济学问题,去发现更多可能性;Speculative:这里更多指是思考的过程,由 Alex. F. Osborn checklist 出发, 9个问题帮助我从多个角度发散设计思维。




第二步,为了得出新的看法,我阅读了其他书籍,如物理学 Richard P. Feynman的《six easy pieces》,The diagram group《the book of comparison》,Lancelot《The wonderful world of energy》我从科学的角度理解能量的定义。在这个基础上,一个偶然的机会,我正在烧水,想起我所看的能量守恒定律,于是我做了一个过山车。想把能量的转换用某个形式表现出来。



天马行空想了一大堆,最后仍然对动力转换成电力这个话题感兴趣。Harriet Beecher Stowe 的一句话 “Human nature is above all things lazy”这句话相当打动我,能不能啥也不做,电力自己就来呢?如果把这个放在家里,或者携带在身上,会是怎么样呢。我又开始我的计算,以我的体重产生的动能,能够转换成多少电能呢?在此,以下的电力实验,我使用了Piezo disc相同的的工作原理替代了PZT,并且达到了我想要的效果。




从项目的实践上,当电力资源的产生和储存不是传统意义上的定义时,当资源没有一个可以衡量的标准的时候。以一种全新的思维考虑它,当人类本能动作能够产生能源,这将是获取免费能源,不用担心碳足迹的一个绿色的方式。我们从能源的消耗者一方,变成产生者,并且是通过无负担的方式。again,我的项目不是为了单纯产生能量储存能量供你烧开一壶开水,而是把它视为一个 “bigger picture”:一个人,一个家庭,一个社区,一座城市的人,每个小动作,所产生的能量并聚集起来,会有多少?

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